Resumes are an integral part of everyone's search for employment. Your CV is your first step towards finding a stable job for yourself. You can manage the subsequent stages of interviews but to be selected in the first place, you must have an impeccable resume. It must set you apart from the list of the rest of the candidates and it must make your employer believe that you are great at your potential job. Inevitably, there are tons of guides telling people about the million different ways they can dress up their resumes to make them better. 

However, there is not a lot of attention going towards the certain nuances which need to be added to a resume for people with disabilities. These workers frequently deal with issues like discrimination, stereotyping, and a lack of accommodations. Fortunately, there are numerous legal safeguards and job resources available to assist people with disabilities in overcoming these obstacles and advancing their careers. It should be addressed to make everyone's resume perfect! 

Your Guide To Disability-Friendly Resume 

Differently abled may frequently feel unprepared to contend with other applicants and underqualified when seeking jobs. But nothing could be further from the truth than that. Your application will help you stand out from the competition and improve your chances of landing a job with the correct job-search tools, a well-written CV, and a compelling cover letter. Other than hiring the professional CV Writing Service in India, you can focus on below points:

  1. Keep Your Resume Short And To The Point

Hiring managers are typically inundated with dozens, if not hundreds, of resumes to sort through in order to fill a single available position. Simply put, there needs to be more time to thoroughly analyse every applicant's resume; if you don't grab their attention right away, they'll likely go on to their next choice.

  1. Describe Your Unique Qualifications

While learning is always an option, businesses prefer candidates who have prior expertise with the tools that their team will be using on the job. Make connections for the hiring manager by mentioning any software platforms, legislative frameworks, equipment categories, or additional relevant abilities that make you the ideal candidate for the position you're seeking for. 

  1. Quantify The Results Of Your Work Using Numbers

Even if you provide prospective employers with a clear sense of your duties at previous positions, how will they recognize that you performed these duties well? Displaying your accomplishments with specific data to showcase your job performance might help persuade hiring managers that you genuinely understand what you're doing. 

For instance, the amount of money made or money saved, the proportion of projects finished under budget, the size of the workforce you oversaw, etc. Don't forget to include a cover letter with your resume. While not all employers offer one, it provides another opportunity to show your interest in the role to the recruiting manager.

  1. Disability Disclosure

It's significant to remember that you are not required by law to mention your impairment on your resume. If your impairment is not visible — the term "disabled" encompasses everything including physical issues to chronic conditions to mental disorders — there is no reason for an employer to be aware of it at all. 

This is particularly true when you first start your job search. Your first priority should be to get an interview and opting not to disclose your impairment may help you avoid bias. However, if you've planned an interview, it may be beneficial to disclose it. For instance, if you require accommodations, telling the employer as soon as possible would help guarantee that everything is prepared before you arrive.

  1. The Reasons Behind Employment  Disparities

Many times, the career histories of people with impairments have lengthy or repeated gaps. Prospective employers would most likely notice these gaps on your CV and may ask you to explain them.

Even in these scenarios, you are not required to reveal it if you don't want to. To prevent this problem entirely, record the dates of evident job history gaps on your CV and add "Illness and Recovery" next to them. Employers will understand why you were unemployed during these times, and it suggests that you are now "recovered" and completely prepared to work.

  1. Be Aware of the Format

Even if your CV is formatted poorly, recruiters may not notice that you are the best candidate for the position while having all the necessary skills and accomplishments.

Because recruiters only have so much time to examine hundreds of applications, a well-formatted and simple-to-read resume will greatly increase its chances of being read. However, if it's a disorganised mess, they won't even scan it.

  1. Utilise The Optional Resume Sections

If you've covered all of the necessary resume sections and still have extra space on your cv, you can add value by adding certain additional sections to your resume. These areas can make you stand out from other applicants who have comparable work experience and skill sets.


Disability is a broad term that encompasses any mental or physical impairment, including chronic diseases, physical injuries, and mental disorders. Whether you have a disability, it's natural to ask if your resume should mention it, or if there are any best practices that you should adhere to. This guide from the best provider of resume writing services in India will help you to make your resume stand out.